2020 Kimber Run

08marAll Day2020 Kimber RunHosted by Robert Smith

Event Details

Get out in the MG and Join us for a Great Day Out to Celebrate Cecil’s Birthday

START: McDonalds M4 – 220 Western Motorway (Westbound)

TIME: 8.00am for 8.30am (SHARP) departure

FINISH:  The Foundations – 67 Williwa St Portland.

This is a fascinating heritage facility / redevelopment of the former cement works including spectacular silo murals. We will be undertaking a site tour which takes in all the buildings in the heritage precinct, the Raffan’s Mill & Bottle Kilns.

The Markets has a great array of locally produced food, arts & crafts. There are any number of food stalls to satisfy our hunger pains on the day!

Have a look at their website: thefoundations.com.au

COST: $7.00 per person to cover club & site tour fee

(BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL as we need to advise numbers for the guided tour which commences at 11.00am sharp & takes 1.5 hours)

BOOKINGS TO: Robert Smith

PAYMENT: On-line deposit to MG Car Club’s account

Bank: St George
BSB: 112-879
Account: 043811680

You must include your “surname & Kimber Run” in the transaction description



8 March, 2020 All Day(GMT+00:00)

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