An Update on the Club and its Events in the COVID-19 Situation
- mgcarclubsydney
- 24 March, 2020
As I write this letter, the world in which we are living is changing rapidly. I refer of course to COVID-19 and the ways in which it has impacted our lives over the past month.
As I’m sure you are aware, indications are that our lifestyles will be vastly different for the next 6 to 12 months. It is the board’s intention to keep the club running in the most active way possible given the current and any future guidelines laid down by government.
Whilst the bulk of this email talks about cancellations and other Club business, I have also included for member interest a link to an article written by Professor Raina MacIntyre. Raina was the Head of the School of Public Health at UNSW when I studied Public Health there a number of years ago. I’m sure you will find the article informative.
I have asked my connections at the University to continue to forward me any similar published papers that they believe are relevant so that I may pass them on to you thus ensuring you are getting the correct story as and when the data is available. Should you not wish to read this information simply refrain from clicking on the link.
As mentioned above the board have met via email and made the following decisions.
Monthly Members’ Gatherings
Monthly members’ gatherings are cancelled for the next three months. This decision will be reviewed at the June board meeting unless the government makes the decision for us.
Club Events
All club events, including the National Meeting, weekly and monthly runs, the Bob Dabbs Tour and the Tour de Young have been cancelled.
Some members have indicated they would still like to take their cars out for a run from time to time perhaps with a small group of fellow members. Given the current guidelines by the government the club cannot endorse such runs. Members that choose to attend such runs should be aware that they will need to fill out their logbooks if their cars are on historic plates.
Should you require further clarification with regard to this statement please don’t hesitate to give me a call. This decision will be reviewed at the June board meeting.
Opposite Lock
For a minimum of the next three months and then by review, the board have taken the decision to cancel the bulk printing and mail out of the monthly magazine. There are many reasons for this, not the least of which is the age of the members that make up the packing group. Additionally, Pymble Print is virtually unmanned at the moment for similar reasons.
However, the magazine will be compiled by our tireless editor and will be sent out in electronic form via a link via email. Where the club does not have an email address listed for a member that member will be sent a letter asking for an email address so that the electronic version may be forwarded to them.
Once again as with point 2 if members wish to clarify any part of this statement please don’t hesitate to give me a call on my mobile. This decision will be reviewed at the June board meeting.
The magazine going forward. The majority of the content of the magazine is traditionally centred around the club’s events. Given that all of these events have been cancelled for the next three months. The question arises as to how we can transition our magazine to still maintain a level of interest for members.
A number of suggestions have been put forward for members to consider. Members might like to reminisce on previous events even if they have been covered in the past. Any articles on the history of MG as always would be appreciated. Personally, I would like to see a series of articles on the history of our regular and major events, how they started and perhaps some suggestions as to how they may be modernised to take them forward into the future. Aside from that anything is welcome please put forward your submissions to the editor.
Board Meetings
Board meetings in the next three months will be conducted via the Internet using either Zoom or similar type of facilitation.
In conclusion, times are a changing should any member wish to put forward a view on the future running of the club please don’t hesitate to call me or email me and I will respond to you as quickly as I can.
All the very best and keep healthy,
Ray johnston
31 July, 2020 (10:21 PM)
I am wondering why I am not receiving any communication from the club. I renewed my membership recently. I don’t seem to be able to access a copy of Opposite Lock or Running Board, how can this be done. My email address is held in the club records and is repeated below, can I be advised please, regards Ray Johnston.
17 August, 2020 (12:08 PM)
Hi Ray,
Thanks for your message. Please send an email to [email protected] and tag in membership@mgcarclubsydney and we’ll get this sorted.