February 2019 Opposite Lock

The February 2019 Edition of Opposite Lock is On The Way

The first edition of Opposite Lock for 2019 should be in your hands, or arriving there shortly, with thanks to the magazine's new editor - Hilary Wren. Opposite Lock February 2019 features: New President's Report The Alf Luckman Memorial Run - Berowra National Meeting - Update And much more! Opposite ... More

Michael Hough’s November 2018 Illawarra Register Report

Michael Hough's November 2018 Illawarra Register Report shares the Illawarra Register's 2019 calendar as well as a few nice shots from a previous run to HARS and the OzFlightSim Expo. (more…) More

December 2018 Opposite Lock

The December 2018 / January 2019 Edition of Opposite Lock is On The Way

The December 2018 / January 2019 issue of Opposite Lock is an important one, not only wrapping up the year that was, but farewelling long-standing editor Ros Bastian and welcoming incoming editor Hilary Wren. It should be arriving in your mailboxes shortly. We would like to send a massive 'THANK YOU!' to Ros Bastian for ... More

November 2018 Mid-Week Muster Como Hotel

Photo Gallery: November 2018 Mid-Week Muster at Como Hotel

Our November 2018 Mid-Week Muster saw us getting together at the Como Hotel for a pre-holiday season catch-up. Ingo Weinberger has kindly passed on a few photos from the day, and you can enjoy them below. (more…) More

MG Club Run Sheets

Useful Information Mobile Phone Road Rules in New South Wales

Ubiquitous in the modern age, our mobiles phones are always near to hand. As useful as they may be, one place they probably shouldn't be too near to hand is in the car. Since we likely spend more time enjoying our cars than most, we thought we would share some useful information on the use of mobile phones while in cars in ... More