Motorkhana at the MG Nationals

Looking at the Motorsport Side of the MG Car Club’s Golden Jubilee National Meeting

I have many aspects of the National Meeting to cover, especially as this is The Golden Jubilee National Meeting, and I will cover these social and sporting events over coming magazines. This month, however, I'll cover the motor sport side of a Nat Meet. There are two motor sport events at a National Meeting. The ... More

Notice of 2018 MG Car Club Sydney AGM

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the Constitution, the Annual General Meeting of the MG Car Club Limited will be held at the Denistone Sports Club Limited, 59 Chatham Road, West Ryde on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 7.45 pm. Business To accept the minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting To ... More

Classic TFs at Past Club Display Days

Classic TF Registrar’s Report: September 2018

Read on for all the news in the Classic TF Register for September, 2018, with thanks to Michael Hough. September 2018 Classic TF Registrar’s Report Welcome to another month of interest in MG related motoring! In this eighth Classic TF Registrar’s report for Opposite Lock 2018 I want to: Remind everyone of our ... More

Opposite Lock September 2018

The September 2018 Edition of Opposite Lock is On The Way

The September 2018 edition of Opposite Lock, kindly produced by long-time editor Ros Bastian, is on its way to the printers and should be with you late next week. This month’s magazine features: Shannons Sydney Classic MG Through Spain EEOTY Who 'Drunk' the Grange And much more! Opposite Lock is ... More

August 2018’s Illawarra Register Report

Image thanks to Ingo Weinberger All the news in our Illawarra Register, with thanks to Illawarra shepherd Michael Hough. Catch up on July's activities and look forward to the second half of the year in this August 2018 report. August 2018 MG Car Club Sydney Illawarra Register Report By Michael Hough The deadline for ... More