2017 MG Spring Classic

Entry to the 2018 MG Spring Classic Now Open

Join the MG Car Club (Sydney) and friends from other CAMS clubs for a weekend in the beautiful Upper Hunter area over the 25th & 26th of August, 2018.  The event will commence at Corrugated Café (780 Peats Ridge Rd, Peats Ridge) with a breakfast pack, great touring roads and lunch on Saturday. Overnight in ... More

June 2018 Opposite Lock

The June 2018 Edition of Opposite Lock is On Its Way

As we prepare to wrap up the first half of 2018, Ros shares another excellent edition of Opposite Lock, which is with the printers and will be on its way to members shortly. The June magazine features: The Story of the Harry Cape MGA Travelling the world in a Morris Mini Traveller 'Not the Bob Dabbs Tour' ... More

The May 2018 Illawarra Registrar’s Report

  Hi to each of you! I am going to open this month’s report by revisiting our first Illawarra Register run of 2018 to share a new report of the event, kindly written by Michele and Philip Page. But first, a few comments! The first run of the year saw us head to the Mt Keira Summit Park for a lovely day, ... More

The May 2018 Classic TF Registrar’s Report

Hi! Welcome to another successful year of interest and activity in MG related motoring. In this fourth Classic TF Registrar’s report for Opposite Lock 2018 I want to: Quickly update you on Wings Over Illawarra 2018, coming up on the 6th of May Give a quick pictorial review of some classic MGs and Jaguars at a ... More

CSCA Round 7 Wakefield Park

An Introduction to Rusty Nuts Racing

The Rusty Nuts Racing group is a wonderful group of drivers within the club, who meet at the intersection of MGs and motorsport and get together to stretch their MGs' legs in all manner of different sporting and social events. Peter Rose recently contributed an excellent story about them to the April 2018 edition of ... More