Opposite Lock May 2018

The May 2018 Edition of Opposite Lock is On Its Way

Ros has been hard at work since her return from the 2018 National Meeting in Tasmania, and has put together a magic edition of Opposite Lock to recap the event and keep you up to date with all of the other news in the world of MG cars. The May 2018 edition is with the printers and will soon be entrusted to Australia ... More

The April 2018 Classic TF Registrar’s Report

Hi, and welcome to another successful year of interest and activity in MG related motoring. In this third Classic TF Registrar’s report for Opposite Lock 2018 I want to: Give you the final details of the 2018 Classic TF Register run, which is on Sunday the 6th of May, 2018, and will see us head to Wings Over ... More

April 2018 Illawarra Registrar’s Report

A hearty “Hello!” to each of you. It is with pleasure that I can report that by the time you read this article, we will have had the first of the MG Car Club (Illawarra Register) runs in 2018. The planned run will be on Thursday the 22nd of March and find us heading to the Mt Keira Summit park. We’ll enjoy morning ... More

Opposite Lock April 2018

The April 2018 Edition of Opposite Lock is On Its Way

In the midst of the 2018 Tasie Natmeet, Ros has put together another excellent edition of Opposite Lock, and it should be in your mailbox awaiting your enjoyment. This month’s features include: Rusty Nuts Racing The Centenary of MG The Great Designers Along with much more! Opposite Lock is provided to ... More

Robertson Heritage Railway Station Classic Car Show

An Invitation to the Robertson Heritage Railway Station Classic Car Show

Image by Adrian Compton, thanks to Robertson Heritage Railway Station The Robertson Heritage Railway Station will hold their classic car show on Saturday the 8th of April, 2018, and we're invited. (more…) More