Notice Of AGM – MG Car Club Limited

Notice is hereby given that, in accordance with the Constitution, the Annual General Meeting of the MG Car Club Limited will be held at the Denistone Sports Club Limited, 59 Chatham Road, West Ryde on Tuesday 14th November 2017 at 7.45 pm. Business To accept the minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting To ... More

MG Car Club Illawarra Register at the 2017 All British Day

The Illawarra Registrar’s Report on the 2017 All British Day

With thanks to The MG Car Club Sydney Illawarra Registrar Michael Hough. Hello to all of you reading our website! I have put this together as a special website-only initial report of my experiences attending the All British Day at the Kings School on Sunday the 27th August. I have attended this event fairly regularly ... More

Vintage Sprintcar Association of Australia

We’re invited to the VSAA’s 2017 Car & Bike Show & Swap Meet

The Vintage Sprintcar Association of Australia has invited us to attend their 2017 Car & Bike Show and Swap Meet. The event will be held in conjunction with the German Club Kembla Grange and will include a show & shine as well as a swap meet and car boot sale, all-day barbecue, raffles, rides, face painting for ... More

The Opposite Lock August 2017

The August 2017 Edition of Opposite Lock is On Its Way!

The August edition of Opposite Lock is hot off the presses and has been left to the tender mercies of Australia Post as it makes its way to you. This month's features include: Ross and Jo McMillan in Brian Crawford's Y Saloon Wrap-ups of the Wakefield Park Supersprint, MGY 70th anniversary and Cradle Coast ... More

2015 Classic TF Display

July 2017 Classic TF Registrar’s Report

Michael Hough's latest Classic TF Registrar's report is ready to go an on the way to an Opposite Lock near you. Read on for an early update. Thanks to Michael Hough Classic TF Registrar's Report As seen in the August 2017 Opposite Lock Welcome to another successful month of MG motoring. I hope that all the cars in ... More