MG Car Club Sydney Concours & Display Day Seth Reinhardt

2020 MG Car Club Sydney Concours and Display Day Cancelled

We are sad to announce that the 2020 MG Car Club Sydney Concours and Display Day, previously planned for the 18th of October at Silverwater Park, has been cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and associated governmental regulations and restrictions. More

An Update on the Club and its Events in September, 2020

With the easing of COVID 19 restrictions in NSW over the last couple of months, we have been able to recommence many of our Club activities while strictly following the government’s COVID-19 guidelines. Monthly Members’ Gatherings During the COVID lockdown, monthly members’ gatherings were conducted using Zoom. ... More

MG Club Anniversary Run

Celebrate 90 Years of the MG Car Club UK and 70 of MG Car Club Sydney with the MG Club Anniversary Run this October

On Sunday the 11th of October, 2020, we will celebrate the founding of the MG Car Club in the UK in 1930 and our own MG Car Club in 1950 with a run combining Sydney's picturesque sites as well as historical sites of MG production in Australia. (more…) More

An Update on the Club and its Events in the COVID-19 Situation

As I write this letter, the world in which we are living is changing rapidly. I refer of course to COVID-19 and the ways in which it has impacted our lives over the past month. (more…) More

Mid-Week Muster outings will be cancelled until July 2020 at least

We are sorry to announce that, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Mid-Week Muster will be cancelled from now until July 2020. The club will review the situation again in late May and keep members informed. The current COVID-19 viral pandemic is of considerable concern for many Club members. We Mid-Week Musterers ... More