Looking at the Motorsport Side of the MG Car Club’s Golden Jubilee National Meeting

I have many aspects of the National Meeting to cover, especially as this is The Golden Jubilee National Meeting, and I will cover these social and sporting events over coming magazines. This month, however, I’ll cover the motor sport side of a Nat Meet.

There are two motor sport events at a National Meeting. The Motorkhana is a non speed event. You need to cover three events in and out of witches hats placed around a defined area, typically a car park or some such space.

Although the motorkhana is timed, it is NOT a speed event. You most probably won’t even get out of first or second gear. I have been at these events where members who don’t want to be involved in speed events have had a marvellous time meandering around the witches hats. It’s purely a matter of remembering which way to go. Prior to the event you are able to follow the pattern that you’re about to drive on foot, which helps to commit it to memory.

If you feel this may interest you, please do ask me, or other club members, who’ve tried this form of motorsport. Should we have enough club members wishing to take part we may be able to have a practice event before we head to Queensland.

The other motor sport event is held either on a motor driving school site, a motor racing circuit or a hill climb. Next year’s event will be held at the Mount Cotton Hill Climb, a facility owned by the Queensland MGCC and a famous circuit used in the Australian Hill Climb National Championships. Perhaps you’ve competed at two other hill climb circuits owned by MG Car Clubs – Ringwood at Raymond Terrace, owned by MGCC Newcastle, or Rob Roy about forty five minutes from Melbourne and owned by MGCC Victoria.

The adjoining map shows the layout of Mount Cotton Hill Climb. I have competed here in previous Nat Meets and it’s a great circuit which I’m sure will appeal to many of the motor sport fraternity within our club. Come along and give it a go. This video above give you a run around the circuit.

Once again, contact me should you have a question regarding attending a National Meeting. For more details on the event, visit the MGCC Queensland Nat Meet Web Site at www.mgccq.org.au.

Best Wishes,
Dominic David.

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