Useful Information Mobile Phone Road Rules in New South Wales

Ubiquitous in the modern age, our mobiles phones are always near to hand. As useful as they may be, one place they probably shouldn’t be too near to hand is in the car. Since we likely spend more time enjoying our cars than most, we thought we would share some useful information on the use of mobile phones while in cars in New South Wales.

Transport for New South Wales has a very well done and succinct summary of the rules about mobile phone use in cars on their website. Click the following link to head to their webpage about Mobile phone road rules.

The page highlights a recent increase in the demerit points applied for using a mobile phone illegally in a car from four to five demerit points on the 17th of September, 2018. This means that during the upcoming holiday double demerit period, an offending driver would receive ten demerit points – with the limit on an unrestricted license being 13.

This demerit point change reflects the impact that mobile phone use is having on the safety of our roads, and the importance of respecting that while in the car.

To finish, I’ll leave a quote from Transport for New South Wales that highlights a safe approach.

“Remember: Legal use of mobile phones can also be distracting. Consider if it is important and the demands of the traffic before using your mobile. The safest option is often to wait until you are parked out of the line of traffic.” – Transport for New South Wales

1 Reply to "Useful Information Mobile Phone Road Rules in New South Wales"

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    Adrian Whiffen
    26 November, 2018 (9:33 AM)

    Mobile phone use in cars.
    In addition to NOT USING MOBILE PHONES WHILST DRIVING, ensure that if you need to use it, find a SAFE place to park BEFORE commencing to use it.

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